Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ultrasonic Position System

The ultrasonic position system uses ultrasonic transmitters/receivers to triangulate position of the robots used in GE423. Each of three transmitters uses a distinct frequencies: 23 kHz, 31 kHz, and 40 kHz. The 2812 DSP is used to measure signal timing and calculate position based on these values. The design of the electronics, as well as discussion of the software development is presented below.

The electronics were not intergrated with the 6713 DSP on the robot.
Note: To get around the issue of clock syncing, the robot will start in a known position, and calculate position for four cycles before proceeding. An alternative to this would be to add a fourth transmit frequency and use the 4th signal to sync the robot clock with the transmit clock.

1.0 Hardware

A wide variety of hardware was used for this project. The hardware was chosen based on availability and price. By no means is the solution presented "the best"or the only way to achieve the desired results, but it is a workable solution.

1.1 Ultrasonic Transmitters/Receivers

The ultrasonic sensor were purchased from Massa. The TR-89/B series where chosen because they come in 3 different frequencies, and they were stock parts. There is no pdf data sheet available on the Massa website, all information if available here. The main drawback of using Massa is there $500 minimum order, and the sensors aren't cheap at about ~$30 each.

1.2 Transmit Circuit

A schematic of the transmit circuit looks like:

Images of the perf-boarded transmit circuits:

Details on the components of the transmit circuit can be found in the subsection below:

1.2.1 Frequency Generation

The transmit circuit take from the Massa Website looks like:
Where R1 is a 10k 10 turn precision wound potentiometer, and U1 is a CD4039B NAND Schmitt Trigger. The tuning resistor R2 and L where left out to increase the transmit power around the base frequency. The potentiometer was adjusted until the frequency was the desired base frequency. A 1k resistor was added in parallel with the potentiometer to give a higher resolution. For the 40 kHz case, a smaller capacitor was required to reach the base frequency. Make sure to tune the circuit with the ultrasonic transducers attached, because the additional impedance will change the transmit frequency. The 12 Vdc was generated by a lab supply.
The output at point TP1, is a 12V peak to peak is a square wave at the desired frequency. The point TP1 was connected to the Driver Signal Circuit presented below.

1.2.2 555 Timer Circuit

The documentation for the 555 timer can be found here. An a picture of how it is wired can be 

seen below:
Using the handy calculator for Ra, Rb, and C found here, Ra=100k ohm, Rb=200k ohm, and C=2.2 mircoF.

1.2.3 Driver Signal Circuit

The 35 Vdc supply is manufactured by Ultravolt, part number 1/4Aa24-P30. This supply is actually a 0-250 Vdc supply that uses a potentiometer to control voltage output.. The transistor used is an IRF520 n-channel MOSFET.

1.3 Receive Circuit

A block diagram of the receive circuit can be seen below:

And a picture of the perf-boarded receive circuit can be seen below:

Details on the components of the receive circuit can be found in the subsection below:

1.3.1 Low Signal Amp Circuit

An instrumentation amplifier made by Analog Devices was used to amplify the low signal output of the ultrasonic receivers. The actual part used was the AD620, one is recquired for each receive channel. Analog has a nice tool here, to size the gain resistor, Rg. Based on experiments, a gain value of 33 was chosen, resulting in a Rg of 1.5k ohm. The AD620 was wired as follows:

1.3.2 Comparator Circuit

The analog comparitor used was part number LM339. The volatage divdier was powered using +5 Vdc to creat the digital level output signal. The output from each instrumentation amplifier was wired to the "+" terminal, and the "-" was wired to 3 volts. The 3 Vdc signal was created from the +15 Vdc supply using a voltage divider. The output of the comparitor was wired to a 5 Vdc via a 3k resistor.

2.0 Software

The timing of the hardware interrupts from the 2811 is calculated, and from the times, position is calculated in the 2D plane using a combination of least squared fit and Jacobian iteration.

2.1 Matlab Triangulation Code

The first algorithm was developed using Matlab. This code can be found here. The algorithm is not stable for all input parameters, a good set of test conditions are:
Note the highly descriptive function named blah

2.2 DSP C Code

The c code for the 2812 DSP is in the attached zip file. The code works as following:
  1. Hardware interrupt pin get triggered
  2. Record absolute clock time when pin transition occurs
  3. Go back to step 1,and once all three pins have been triggered:
    1. (only do this step the first time through the code) Assume robot stationary, acquire base transmit period for each frequency by averaging first 4 values, this step syncs the clocks of the transmitters to the robot
    2. Calculate time from transmitter to robot for each frequency
    3. Triangulate position of robot using least squared fit to data points
    4. Wait for fixed amount of time, ignore hardware interrupts during this time because of the nature of the transmit signal
    5. Go back to Step 1

3.0 Lessons Learned

  1. A resistor was needed in parallel with the tuning potentiometer to give better resolution
  2. A resistor was required in parallel with the US transmitter for the circuit to function because the transmitter is like a capacitor.

4.0 Acknowledgments

Various people and online resources aided in this project:
  • GE423 Lab Instructor: Dan Block
  • GE423 TAs: Dave Johnson, Daniel Herring
  • My officemate: Steve Tschopp
  • Misc. Consultation: Tim Cargol
  • Misc Websites:
    • http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bill_Bowden/555.htm
    • http://www.williamson-labs.com/480_555.htm
    • http://www.massa.com
    • http://www.digikey.com (source for datasheets)

Car Wireless Alarm Circuit Diagram

This FM radio-controlled anti- annexation anxiety can be acclimated with any agent accepting 6- to 12-volt DC accumulation system. The mini VHF, FM transmitter is adapted in the agent at night back it is anchored in the car balustrade or car park. The receiver assemblage with CXA1019, a distinct IC-based FM radio module, which is advisedly accessible in the bazaar at reasonable rate, is kept inside. Receiver is acquainted to the transmitter's frequency. Back the transmitter is on and the signals are actuality accustomed by FM radio receiver, no hissing babble is accessible at the achievement of receiver.

Appropriately transistor T2 (BC548) does not conduct. This after-effects in the broadcast disciplinarian transistor T3 accepting its advanced abject bent via 10k resistor R5 and the broadcast gets energised. Back an burglar tries to drive the car and takes it a few metres abroad from the car porch, the radio articulation amid the car (transmitter) and anxiety (receiver) is broken. As a aftereffect FM radio bore gene-rates hissing noise. Hissing AC signals are accompanying to broadcast switching circ- uit via audio transformer. These AC signals are rectified and filtered by diode D1 and capacitor C8, and the consistent absolute DC voltage provides a advanced bent to transistor T2.

Appropriately transistor T2 conducts, and it pulls the abject of broadcast disciplinarian transistor T3 to arena level. The broadcast appropriately gets de-activated and the anxiety affiliated via N/C contacts of broadcast is switched on. If, by chance, the burglar finds out about the wireless anxiety and disconnects the transmitter from battery, still alien anxiety charcoal activated because in the absence of signal, the receiver continues to aftermath hissing babble at its output. So the burglar anxiety is fool-proof and awful reliable.

Hot Water Level Indicator

Save fuel bills and the economy of the planet with this circuit. SW1 is a normally open press button switch which allows you to view the level of hot water in a hot water tank. When pressed the voltage difference at the junction of the thermistor and preset is compared to the fixed voltage on the op-amps non-inverting input. Depending on the heat of the water in the tank, the thermistors resistance will toggle the op-amp output to swing to almost full voltage supply and light the appropriate LED.
Masking tape was used to stick the bead thermistors to the tank. Wires were soldered and insulated at the thermistors ends. A plastic box was used to house the circuit. Battery life will probably be 4 to 5 years depending on how often you use the push switch, SW1.
Sensor Placement:
Thermistors NTC1-4 should be spread evenly over the height of the tank. I placed NTC1 roughly 4 inches from the top of my tank and the others were spaced evenly across the height of the hot water tank. As hot water rises the lowest sensor indicates the fullest height of hot water and should be about 8 to 10 inches from the bottom of the tank.
With a full tank of hot water adjust P1-4 so that all LED's are lit. As hot water rises, the sensor at the bottom of the tank will be the maximum level of hot water. "Hot" can be translated as 50C to 80C the presets P1-4 allow adjustment of this range.
I have used a quad version of the LM324 but any quad opamp can be used or even four single op-amps.
R2-R5 I used 330ohm resistors, but value is not critical. Lower values give brighter LED output.
NTC1-4 The thermistors maximum resistance must roughly equal the resistance of the fixed resistor and preset. As negative temparature coefficient (NTC) thermistors are used, then their resistance decreases for increases in temperature. I used a thermistor from the Maplin Catalogue. Cold resistance was around 300K, hot resistance 15k. Alternative thermistors may be used with different resistance ranges, but the presets P1 to P4 must also be changed as well.
R7-10 series resistance, only required if your thermistors resistance is several ohms at the hottest temperature.
P1 - P4 Chosen to match the resistance of the thermistor when cold.
R1 & R6. These resistors are equal and bias the op-amp inverting input to half the supply voltage. I used 100k.

Water Level Indicator Alarm

This ambit not alone indicates the bulk of baptize present in the aerial catchbasin but additionally gives an anxiety back the catchbasin is full.
The ambit uses the broadly accessible CD4066, mutual about-face CMOS IC to announce the baptize akin through LEDs.
When the baptize is abandoned the affairs in the catchbasin are accessible circuited and the 180K resistors pulls the about-face low appropriately aperture the about-face and LEDs are OFF. As the baptize starts bushing up, aboriginal the wire in the catchbasin affiliated to S1 and the + accumulation are shorted by water. This closes the about-face S1 and turns the LED1 ON. As the baptize continues to ample the tank, the LEDs2 , 3 and 4 ablaze up gradually.
The no. of levels of adumbration can be added to 8 if 2 CD4066 ICs are acclimated in a agnate fashion.
When the baptize is full, the abject of the transistor BC148 is pulled aerial by the baptize and this saturates the transistor, axis the buzzer ON. The SPST about-face has to be opened to about-face the buzzer OFF.
Remember to about-face the about-face ON while pumping baptize contrarily the buzzer will not sound!